Attention Cell Phone Users: Would you buy this product?

Last Update: January 05, 2011

I came across this interesting online opportunity.  I love free or inexpensive opportunities that have multiple referral levels, and this one has 50--the most I've ever seen.

My question is about the product itself.  It's an SMS service that will allow you to send reminder text messages to your cell phone.  The free service allows you to send one text message at a time.  The paid service (one time fee of 19.95) allows you to send as many text messages as you like and set recurring reminders--all that good stuff.

 Is this truly something new, or are features like this already built into existing cell phone calendars?

I'm a very basic, infrequent cell phone user (as in it's a phone and that's it), so I really can't evaluate this for myself.  Could some of you more avid cell phone users give me some feedback here?

Here's the link to check it out.  Please tell me honestly if this is something you'd buy (just for the product itself), and if it's something you think other people would be interested in.

I would really appreciate it.  Thanks.


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taku123 Premium
I will say that with my iPhone I can get messages sent to me from the calender. I can set up a date and time. Also with the iphone alot of banks, paypal, and other companies have "apps" that allow you to set up alerts to your phone. For instance if money is deposited to my account or if there is a charge on my credit card it will send me a text to let me know.
I think some people would buy the service because not everyone has a "smartphone" android, iphone, backberry, etc. Those people will not have the same set up as me. If you are promoting to the right market I am sure you would get some sales. Remember to split test it and build from there. Good luck!