Funny sales page spoof

Last Update: January 22, 2011

I was looking around for some free ebook cover software and I just happened across this site because he had recently blogged about that very thing.

This guy rants about Internet marketing and I think the site may be worth checking out anytime you get frustrated, discouraged, or just plain need a good laugh.

I may become a regular follower.

For now, I give you his sales page spoof.  I enjoyed reading it.

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I don't really get offended by sales copy, though after you've seen a few you can start to see when they're really laying it on thick.
jatdebeaune Premium
That was funny. The "dear friends" salutation doesn't offend me if the rest of the information is sincere. I just consider it friendly and affectionate. My mom was from Virginia, and she had the southern habit of calling everyone "honey". I grew up thinking that you greet everyone with "honey". Entered kindergarten and called my teacher "honey" and got what for. So, maybe some things are cultural.