Let Them Eat Cake Giveaway

Last Update: January 22, 2011

This is for everyone wanting to build their email list.  Something I'm trying out.  This is a new giveaway called Let Them Eat Cake

What you do is provide a free ebook or product that you will give people in exchange for joining your list.  The Giveaway promotes the event to attract people with all the free products.  

The event starts February 10 so you have time to register and pick the product you want to give and build the squeeze page and "thank you" page.  Once the event starts, you should promote it so that it draws more people.

You can join this event now until Feb 10 as a contributor.  There is a free option which allows you to give one gift and a paid option (which sorry you'll have to accept right away--one time offer garbage) that allows you to offer up to five gifts and have your gifts get extra promotion.

I am trying this giveaway and the one I posted about earlier as a way to see if this is an effective way to build a list or if sticking with just driving traffic to my site through article marketing is a better proposition--or both.

Anyway, it's worth trying out.  Just keep this in mind:  regardless of the sales copy you read, you will encounter more events like this.  The guy who does them has five more lined up, so don't worry about paying for this one "because you might never see it again."

I would advise doing the free option, and then based on what you learn, you can upgrade in future giveaways if you decide it's worth it.  Believe me, you will be invited to more if you join this one :-)

Anyway, wanted to pass along this useful information.  If you do join, please join through my link as I get extra points for referrals (and you will too) which will help boost the visibility my gift gets even though I'm a lowly free contributor LOL.



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