Day 10

Last Update: November 04, 2010

I'm saving time on today's blog post by copying from my Day 10 forum post right here:

OK, onto what I accomplished today. I got all the homework done. I created a new page to target my two chosen keywords for the day, and published the two articles. I cheated a little in that I wrote the first article from scratch, then simply reworded it a bit and changed the keywords for the second article.

What is the best recommendation on submitting the same articles to multiple directories? I know you can get away with it and I have submitted previous articles to more than one directory. My question is: Is this a good idea, or should we stick to submitting each article to only one directory? Here's an article that sheds some light and could get a discussion going: I really want to know what you all think.

I ran into the ten submissions limit for my basic EzineArticles membership. I now have eight live articles. I deleted two problem articles hoping that would open up two more submission slots but that didn't do it. I guess they will be reviewing my account and deciding whether or not to give me platinum status with unlimited article submissions. Anyone know how long that takes?

Here's another issue I ran into when I submitted my article to EzineArticles. They told me they already have another published article with my chosen title and suggested I change it. I left the title as is since it matched my chosen keyword. I also researched that keyword and found it had a Google competition score of 497 and I saw no EzineArticles article on page one. My question is why didn't that article show up since it clearly used the same keyword--at least in the title? My other question is if that article didn't show up on page one, what are the chances of my article by the same title showing up on page one? I'd appreciate some insight.

I also updated my blog with a tip about the article directory page 1 test. I would prefer to use my blog for quick tips and updates rather than for full blown articles that I link to in my directory articles--I think static pages are better suited for such articles. I guess these are the sorts of things you realize from completing the club daily tasks.

That's about all for now. Glad to have this done well before the evening :-)


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