Day 9 Taking stock of my accomplishments so far

Last Update: November 03, 2010

Part of our homework for the article marketing club today was to write down and share what we've accomplished so far.  

I cheated and finished up the rest of the homework for today, which was to write and submit two more articles, before posting my successes, and it makes an impressive list.

Here's what I have so far (copied from my forum post):

*  a domain
*  a WordPress web site that works well.  I am pleased to report that everything is working the way I'd expect and I'm not running into weird technical difficulties.  Thanks, Marcus, for the good instructions on getting the plugins installed right and how to properly build the pages and posts.
*  five visible static pages:  home, about me, top online marketing school, FAQ, and blog
*  three "hidden" pages.  Two I have linked to as articles in the margin and the other is my extensive WA review, which is linked to everywhere.
*  three blog posts.  Two are pretty much like articles and probably should be static pages.  One is more casual.
*  One club-related article published on and two more waiting for approval. 
*  Three club-related articles published on and one more waiting for approval.
*  A bonus success in that one of my ArticleBase articles got syndicated by another blog
*  Another related bonus success is that the blog post the syndicated article linked to drew a genuine comment.
*  The entire first week of the club I managed to do while my husband was out of town and I was alone with our three children--lots of late nights--and happy he's back home now.
*  I have a much clearer idea in my brain about what an Internet marketing campaign is.  My previous efforts seem so laughable now, though I'm sure they helped me better understand what I'm doing now.
*  If/when this campaign starts making me money, I'm going to have a much clearer understanding of where it came from and what worked.  I have made a sale in the past, but only one and I couldn't tell you what I did "right" to get it.  With this campaign, it actually seems reasonable to expect sales.
*  I am getting faster at writing those articles.  I am the type who spends extra time making my articles "perfect."  I'm either reaching that perfection much sooner, or I'm actually believing that it doesn't matter.  Either way, it's taking me less time.
*  About the only thing I'm not keeping up with is researching keyword concepts ahead of time.  I tend to think of the keywords I want to use right before I start writing the article whether I have a list of concepts or not.  The first two I came up with today were low competition and high search volume so I wrote my two articles targeting them and called it good.  I'm sure I'll come up with the other eight as I need them :-)

All these successes except for the syndication and comment which I have no control over came about just from doing the daily tasks assigned by the club emails I've been getting every morning.  I didn't have to plan any of this or try to figure out what to do next.  I'm just doing what I'm told to do, and as I do this, I'm gaining a better understanding of the overall plan behind the daily tasks.  My point is that anyone who participates in the same article marketing club can also have this impressive list of accomplishments.

If you have not had the opportunity to participate in the article marketing club, definitely jump in the next time it's offered.  It is so worth it.


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I'm actually promoting WA. Everyone in the WA article marketing club is promoting WA. However we were told to get a domain name that has to do with Internet marketing but is generic enough so we could promote other products through it down the road. But for the club it's all about WA. Once I'm done with the club and I have myself on a good schedule to keep my WA campaign up, I do plan to go back to the beginning of the homework emails and apply them to a different niche. I also hope in the future there will be article marketing clubs around various niches here at WA so that you can get the benefit of the interaction with others doing the same thing. What niche or niches are you building campaigns around?
jatdebeaune Premium
Great progress. Are you promoting WA or another niche while in this club?