Day of Rest

Last Update: November 07, 2010

Today's email for the WA article marketing club told us in no uncertain terms to take a break, and reminded us of why a lot of times we are more productive at work on Monday and Tuesday than on the rest of the days of the work week because of having taken at least one day off during the weekend.

I sure needed the break.  Today I did absolutely nothing for my WA campaign.  I didn't exactly have the restful day.  My daughters had a friend over for a sleepover last night and she was here most of the day today.  It went reasonably well overall.  But, let's just say I have a new empathy for my mother and why she dreaded my sleepovers when I was a kid.  Sleepovers make for grumpy kids the next day.  They remember it as a lot of fun and I remember how grumpy they get the next day after keeping each other awake with jokes and stories long after their normal bedtimes.

I'm told this next week is going to be busy, so I'm glad I'm not behind.

I'm also contemplating an empty dessert plate that used to have a slice of homemade cheesecake on it... and realizing there really isn't any reason for me to be awake a minute longer.  So... talk to you all sometime tomorrow.   Enjoy what remains of your weekend.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Haha, My little nephews like to have sleepovers at my house. They think I'm their ages, I don't tell them otherwise. We bake cookies, eat popcorn, and watch cooking shows till the wee hours. My nephews (9 and 7) are into cooking. As much as I love it, those nights are exhausting. Oh yes, we cook a great dinner together too. Know where you're coming from.