Day One

Last Update: July 13, 2010

"I wonder if the third time's going to be a charm," I said to my husband.   He was gearing up for a fifty hour week working on a client's very large project.  Twice the client had asked him to put less time in, once on account of budgeting constraints and the second time because another contractor on the project essentially threw a fit.

Well, it wasn't a charm and the invoice he submitted at the end of the week was met with another request to slow down.  We need something else, we both decided.

How about Internet Marketing?  Since my husband lost his last full time job in March 2008 I've been well aware of the multitude of so called work at home opportunities--you know, the ones where you get to work for a great company using a fool proof system doing... what?  Well, to find out, you have to pay the registration fee.

The first thing I noticed about the WA site was that it actually gives great details about what it is and what it isn't right on the publicly accessible part of the page.   I read through everything on the public site last night and decided if I only learned one of those things it would be worth a month's membership fee, so here I am.

I've read various books over the years about different aspects of Internet marketing but actually applying any of it always seemed overwhelming.  It looks like WA has made a lot of that much easier by providing other related services such as web hosting and side design.

I have some ideas of where I want to go with Internet marketing.  My husband and I are getting into homesteading and learning a lot by trial and error.  I could start a blog about that.  I also have a current website ( to support my barter business, and I'm definitely expecting WA will help me greatly improve the site.  I'm very much a fan of Go Local, so I've thought about building a site that essentially compiles info on all the locally owned businesses in the country so that people who travel can look up locally owned businesses to support in whatever community they will be visiting.  I've got other ideas too.  But I'm also very open to new ideas and directions.  

For now I'm working through lesson 2 in the getting started action plan, and once I've completed this blog entry, I can check create my WA space off my to do list.

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