Hello Squidoo!

Last Update: August 06, 2010

As I was logging in to write this update I noticed I had an extra gold.  Thank you, Omar Lodhi, for being the very first WA member to give me gold :-)

Today was another big day promoting Clearwater Lodge.  This time I aimed my browser to Squidoo and went absolutely crazy creating my first two lenses.  You can check them out on my profile.  I will post them before shutting down for the day as I'm very proud of them.

This gives me an idea.  Some of you big time affiliates reading this blog undoubtedly hunt or fish or just want to take a trip to a pristine wilderness to get away from it all.  Maybe you need a break from the tough life of staring at the computer all day, or you want a beautiful place for a writing retreat.

Whatever you need, why not take advantage of some special promotions Clearwater Lodge is offering?  Check out the Four Day Sale page here.  If you're into Muskie hunting, then you'll find an unbelievable deal here.

Hey, I'm not above shamelessly promoting my affiliate merchants to all you successful people who definitely can swing it.  In fact, why not take your whole family and show them just how all your hard work on the Internet benefits them.

Going back to Squidoo, I've heard different things about whether or not they allow you to post your own affiliate links into your lenses.  After all, they have a pretty nice setup with Google, Ebay and Amazon.  Looking for an answer I came across this top rated Squidoo lens about making money with Squidoo.  The author says right there in it that one of the ways she makes money is with third party affiliate links.  I figure if Squidoo is promoting that lens and the lens brags about using third party affiliate links, they must be OK.  If anyone feels they need to correct me in this, please feel free.

Time to wrap it up for the weekend, or at least for the evening.  Next on tap is to go back to my second lens and keyword optimize it, then go back to my original campaign and get it on Squidoo.  Then, get more ideas of things to publish on Squidoo.  Any excuse I can come up with to build another lens on Squidoo...


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moonvine Premium
Oh yes, most definitely you can use your outside affiliates on Squidoo. Most people do. I am anxious to see your lenses and I am so glad you had fun! I love Squidoo!
There is a list of things you cannot do at Squidoo, and it's mostly junk stuff. Squidoo tries to maintain a really clean site and that's one reason I love it so much.
but here's that lens if it will help you. it was made by the folks at HQ