Immersed in Muskie Hunting

Last Update: August 04, 2010

I'm on the road to becoming a subject matter expert on muskie hunting. Muskies are a rather large and aggressive and hard to catch freshwater fish, which means the chase is iresistable.  

I put out a couple ads, then decided to research for article topics.  My first article on this campaign came out of my extreme frustration with not being able to find a glossary of muskie hunting terminology anywhere.  So I decided to write one.  I gleaned definitions from a variety of articles and posted my compilation to GoArticles.  I'm hoping Lisa will take a peak and flag anything that's grossly inaccurate.  Then I'll submit it to EzineArticles as well.

I'll have to set up Google analytics to track conversions and such, now that I know better what questions I'll want to answer.

MartinAct420 commented on my last post that his campaigns make money 3-6 months after he starts them.  It's reassuring to know that's something to expect.  I'm curious as to why it takes that long.  Is it a matter of building up enough ads and articles, or does it just take that long for great numbers of people to start finding them in Cyberspace?

Either way I'll just keep plugging along.  I'm so looking forward to making my first sale for Clearwater Lodge.  The commission on one sale could easily be in the hundreds.


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muskyblood Premium
Im an avid Musky fisherman. Id be happy to read over your terminology. I have thought of trying to break into this niche. I did not know you could make commissions referring people to certain lodges. Shoot me a PM if you want to talk Musky!
Thanks for the headsup. I was not aware that EzineArticles insisted on being first and I did not see that in any of their policies (not that I read all the fine print or anything). EzineArticles did accept two articles which I'd previously submitted to GoArticles but they rejected a third, instructing me to contact them as to why. Perhaps that is the reason. I'll wait to hear back from them. It wouldn't be too much trouble to submit to them first, except that I have to wait a few days for them to accept the article. By the time they get around to it, GoArticles (which accepts immediately) may have already posted it.
reefswimmer Premium
This sounds like fun ! Just one quick question. are u saying you submitted to GoArticles first, and then hope to submit (the same??) to EzineArticles??? Maybe I read it wrong----but just in case. you know EzineArticles insists it has to be the first place you publish something.
Cheers, and happy fishing/catching !
Diane, reefswimmer