Money through social networking

Last Update: September 19, 2010

The process of Internet Marketing--or at least learning about it--has gotten me on a lot of people's email lists.  I get a lot of messages about this or that make money from home scheme.  I'm always on the lookout for ways to make that money without too much effort.  Ultimately I'd like for the money to flow even when I'm not working at it.

So out of hundreds of spammy, super promotional emails I come across one with the subject line "NO NO NO" promoting Really Simple Home Business caught my eye and I got hooked.  This is a program that is free to join and the best part is that before it is even suggested that you spend any money (there's always an upsell somewhere), you are actually given lots of information about the program and you can start working it.

The upshot is that you start making money through a social networking site called PeopleString through actions you take and actions your referrals to PeopleString take.  But the people who started Really Simple Home Business have honed making money from PeopleString down to a science.  When you go to the website, they capture your name and email address and that unlocks the members area.  The members area has easy to follow video and text tutorials that take you through the process step by step.  You start making money first.

The first upsell happens in step three or four when the owner Jay talks about the importance of listbuilding and strongly encourages you to buy his favorite autoresponder which is his affiliate product.  Later on, there are opportunities to pay for group or one on one coaching, leads and a few other things that should help you grow the business faster.

I've actually learned a lot from watching the videos and browsing the various pages on the web site.  Some of what I've learned is applicable to other things I'm doing, not just this social network money making opportunity.  I would highly recommend taking a look as part of training and information gathering.  This one actually explains things, gives information and it's not all hype, unlike most landing pages and advertisements I come across.

Just wanted to share.



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jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you for sharing. Always looking for solid information that is transferable.