My Tiered Affiliate Coop

Last Update: September 23, 2010

If you are a new member, you might be wondering when you are going to make enough money with Internet Marketing to pay for your monthly membership to Wealthy Affiliate. This tutorial is designed to help you do just that by plugging you into some websites that pay you for actions you take and then helping you build your downlines on these sites to make even more money.



I need to start off by saying this isn't strictly a training tutorial, though it will go over a few things that are important to know.  Rather, this is an invitation to join what I'm calling a tiered affiliate coop.  The purpose is to help us all benefit quickly from building our downlines in a couple specific affiliate programs with multiple levels or tiers.

Although Wealthy Affiliate is well worth the monthly membership price of $97.00, the fee itself can seem very high to someone just getting into Internet Marketing.  Then you learn that you will need to set aside twelve weeks (three months!) just to go through the WA training.  After an initial investment of a lot of time and $300.00, you might start making a steady income, or you might find you need to learn more, tweak more, write more.

I believe there are opportunities currently available on the Internet that we can participate in together and use that participation to financially benefit all of us.  I believe these opportunities can at the very least fund our WA memberships and more than likely do much more for us.  This tutorial outlines my vision and implementation plan and invites you to participate.


Linear vs. Residual Income

A quick review of the different types of income you can make is in order.  Linear income is what most people earn.  Do you have a job?  You are most likely either paid by the hour, by the project, or on salary.  All those are forms of linear income.  You are paid for work you yourself do.  If you stop doing the work, the income source dries up.  Because the income source depends entirely on the work you do, it is always going to be limited by how many hours are in the day and how much energy you have.  

Residual income is income that is not dependent on you doing the work to get done.  It is income that flows to you once you have done the work to set up that source of income.  It could be an investment that pays a regular dividend or it could be a business you own and have turned over operations to a trusted team.  In the case of Internet marketing, it could be a stellar pay per click and article marketing campaign that takes all the traffic to a landing page, captures email addresses and directs them to click on the product you are selling.  This system operates day and night whether you are paying attention to it or not.

Clearly, we all hope to earn residual, rather than linear income.  The downside is that initially, there is more risk involved in getting that residual income flowing.  That risk is the eventuality that a pay per click campaign completely flops, that the articles you write don't reach the right people.  In other words, that you put in lots of work and maybe even some money and the venture fails.  The big advantage to linear income, the reason so many settle for it during their entire lives, is that it involves little risk.  When you get hired for a job with a company, you can reasonably expect that as long as you do the work you were hired to do, you will get paid.  When you sign a contract to perform a project for a client, you can reasonably expect that as long as you complete the project, you will get paid.  Whether the project accomplishes all the client hopes for is not your problem.

Although ultimately less rewarding than residual income, linear income does have its place.  When you're investing in a new business, you still need a steady source of income to pay the bills and keep you going while you're building your business.  If you have a job and you're just getting your feet wet with Internet marketing, you're probably going to keep your job for a while.  If you don't have a job and you're here because you're hoping your Internet marketing efforts will pay the bills really soon, it will help to know that there are a few ways available on the Internet to make some linear income.


Starting Out with Some Linear Internet Income

There are opportunities to make some linear income on the Internet that can get you started.  Although I certainly don't know all of them, the opportunities I'm aware of are low paying.  The big money on the Internet comes with a lot of risk, and as many WA members will tell you, you can also lose a lot of money in the attempt.  If you use the resources listed here, you can reasonably expect to make on average about a dollar a day on each site.  Some sites are better than others and I welcome your feedback based on your own experiences.

A dollar a day is not very much.  However, consider what a dollar a day can get you in Internet marketing.  One dollar a day can fund twenty clicks a day on a well targeted low competition keyword pay per click campaign.  One dollar a day can fund your subscription to whatever email autoresponder program you are using.  Three dollars a day can fund your monthly WA membership fee.

The income may not be much, but it's linear income, that is, income that's dependent on actions you take.  You don't need to sell anything and you don't need to recruit anyone into the same program.

The first place I would look for some linear Internet income is WA Jobs.  If you have any specialized skill related to Internet marketing such as website design, article writing, keyword research, etc., chances are there's a job for you on WA Jobs.  You have to bid on and get accepted to do the project, but once you do, the income will probably be more substantial than what you can earn on some of these other websites.  You can also try sites such as Elance where you can bid on work.

Here are a few sites where you get paid for actions you take.  These sites are all free, though some may have an upgrade option.  I will continue to add to the list as sites come to my attention:

PeopleString:  A social networking site that pays you for Google searches, playing games, shopping and other types of activities you probably already do on Facebook.  PeopleString in and of itself carries its own residual income potential and an Internet marketer named Jay Kanic has developed an entire free system on how to make the most of PeopleString.  The first few steps do a great job of explaining how you can make linear income using PeopleString. Once you know how it works, it takes very little time and it's rather fun to complete paid actions on PeopleString.

SendEarnings:  This is a site that will pay you to do various things such as read emails, complete offers, complete tasks and shop through the site.  I don't use this as much as PeopleString, but it seems you can reasonably make one to two dollars a day here.

RewardingWays:  This is a similar site to SendEarnings.  You can get paid to complete offers, surveys, etc.

With advertising getting more and more competitive, sites like these are popping up all over the place.  A few searches will probably turn up more, and if you find a good one, please feel free to add it to this list.

Once you have joined several of these sites, set goals for how much you want to earn on each site and plan out what you need to do on each one to accomplish your goals.  You want to take the various actions as quickly as possible so that you can devote the rest of your time to the really lucrative (but higher risk) opportunities.

Each of the sites has its own payment procedures.  Many of them use either Paypal or AlertPay, so you will want to set up an account with both services so you can get paid.


Going Residual by Recruiting New Members

It will not take long for you to see that while it's really nice that you can earn a few dollars a day poking around on the various websites, you could earn a whole lot more by recruiting people through your affiliate link to do the same.  Would you rather spend ten minutes of your time making a dollar or would you rather have one hundred people under you each doing the same thing and earning you one percent of their dollar?

Sounds great, but where do I find one hundred people to recruit?  Isn't that why you joined WA in the first place?  You can find everything you'll ever need to know for recruiting people through your affiliate link in the many resources available here.

I'm going to skip all that and talk about how I'm going to help you do this through my tiered affiliate coop, but first I need to explain what tiers are.

When you sell a product through your affiliate link, you get a commission off what the buyer pays for the product.  Many affiliate programs are single tiered, meaning that you will only benefit from people who take an action directly through your link.  If that customer were to become an affiliate, even though he came to the site through your link, you would not benefit in any way from the sales he made through his affiliate link.  

A multi-tiered affiliate program means that when you recruit an affiliate through your affiliate link, you not only get a commission for any purchases your recruit makes, you also get a smaller commission on any purchases people make using his link.  Multi-tiered affiliate programs typically go down two or three levels, but some will go down as far as six levels.  It can get really profitable for you if you happen to get a stellar Internet marketer in your downline.  You can just sit back and rake it in--at least theoretically.  Some multi-tiered programs require a certain amount of direct action on your part to access the earnings from your downline; some do not.

PeopleString is a multi-tiered program which pays you a commission on actions taken by your downline down to the sixth level.  This means if I recruit you, and you recruit Sally, and Sally recruits Joe, and Joe recruits Julie, and Julie recruits Jim, and Jim recruits Alice, I am getting a commission on actions you, Sally, Joe, Julie, Jim and Alice all take.  You can see how that will be so much more profitable for me than just getting paid for the actions I take.

Varolo is another multi-tiered affiliate program that benefits you down to the fourth level.  I didn't mention it before because it does not allow you to make linear income alone.  To succeed with Varolo, you really do need to recruit a lot of people.  Varolo is an about-to-launch program where you get paid to watch TV commercials.  You are paid for the ads your downline views but you can only access those earnings when you yourself watch commercials.  Varolo is going to take the current trend of incentivizing the advertisement audience to a whole new level.

Although my goal is to eventually do this using any multi-tiered affiliate program, I'm going to start my coop with PeopleString and Varolo.


How the Coop Will Work

Recruiting new members, even to a completely free service, is not easy.  If it were, everyone would be raking it in on the Internet.  As you know from the training resources here, there are many separate skills you need to acquire and perfect in order for you to have a successful campaign.  I want to help everyone who participates to successfully build a downline with PeopleString and Varolo in a short time.

You might have noticed that the hyperlinks to both PeopleString and Varolo are my own affiliate links to these programs.  Yes, I am hoping to recruit you to be in my downlines.  But I want to give you something in return.  Here's what you need to do:

1.  Register with PeopleString and Varolo through my affiliate links. Take the time to learn about both programs.  If prompted to enter a sponsor email address, please enter fernanda dot powers at gmail dot com.

2.  There's not too much to do on Varolo until it launches other than build your downline or village.  Commit to doing the income generating tasks on PeopleString that Jay Kanic talks about at least once a day--should only take a few minutes.

3.  Friend me on PeopleString.  I'm Fernanda.  I am going to use PeopleString to keep in touch with all of you who join the coop.  This will also help our ability to earn income with PS as it is in part dependent on how active we are.

4.  Send me your affiliate links--PM me through WA or PeopleString, please.  Your links will be automatically assigned to you once you register.  Also include your user names so I can confirm that you did indeed register through my link.

5.  As soon as I have twenty five people signed up directly under me, I will replace my affiliate links with yours in this tutorial and possibly in other places where I'm promoting these sites.  I will change the links regularly so everyone has a chance to get their link featured here.

6.  Let's all make a point to greet new WA members and invite them to join this coop by first reading this tutorial.  The more people that join through our affiliate links, the more we will all benefit.

My goal is to not only build my own downlines, but to help the new (and not so new) WA members get profitable from the get go.  Once we are successful with PeopleString and Varolo, I believe we can apply the same process to any other multi-tiered affiliate program.

This is a situation where we can truly all increase our benefits through working cooperatively together.  I look forward to partnering with you on this adventure.






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prinker Premium
Sounds good!
OK, will do. If I decide to promote youdata as part of my coop, I'll have everyone sign up under me first (which means they'll all be signed up under you too).
prinker Premium
No problem. Here is the info.

Click this link to sign up. My MeFile ID, pdrink72, in the "Referral Code" will tell them I sent you.
Hey Thanks for the info on youdata. I will definitely check it out once I get the chance, and I'll do it through your affiliate link if you want to send it to me :-). I'm hoping to collect a list of as many sites like these as possible, try them out, rate them and eventually propose some strategies for hitting them all for the maximum amount of linear profit in the shortest amount of time (so we can all get back to the business of affiliate marketing).
prinker Premium
Hello! Count me in. I just posted a blog this morning about getting/ needing some linear internet income while continuing to learn here at WA how to build my affiliate marketing to get to the residual.

I joined this site this morning for linear income; it's free to join and you get paid to click on ads not much, but every little bit helps. I made $1.14 this morning clicking on ads and it only took about 2 minutes of my time.

Thanks for this opportunity.