My WA hosted site is back!

Last Update: July 23, 2010

My site is back (whew!), but the story isn't over.  When I was trying to set up a backup blog on (, I ran into problems trying to copy the html from the post on my original blog to the corresponding post on the backup blog.  After two posts, wordpress stopped publishing and sent an error message instructing me to report my blog as they were concerned about the content.  Looking more closely at the original posts, I noticed an enormous amount of what appears to be extraneous html code, quite similar, in fact, to the extraneous html code I often see on this blog.  I've passed along the information and hope the good people at WA tech support will get to the bottom of this issue.  Hopefully wordpress will believe me when I say that really, all I want to do is market affiliate products.

So much drama.  So far, not one red cent.

Hopefully something works out over the weekend.  How long does it take anyway?

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