New Place to Publish Articles

Last Update: July 18, 2010

I just registered an account with, another place where you can publish articles for an article marketing campaign.  This one will also pay you for your articles via a Google AdSense account.  Not entirely sure on the details of how that works as I've just now applied for my own AdSense account to benefit in that way.

Those of you who write articles might want to sign up for an Infobarrel account, and if you do, please help me out by registering through my affiliate link right here and on all the other Infobarrel links in this post.

As always, your support is very much appreciated and I hope this helps you out as well :-)

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Thanks for the comments. I did go back and edit out the code. I'm writing these blog entries directly into the blogging editor--no copy/paste from MS Word or anything. Not sure what is causing it to appear in the first place. Thanks for the info on too. I'll have to check it out. I plan to focus heavily on the article marketing at least initially, so I want an account with all of them :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
If you copied and pasted from Word, you get code. The only way to get rid of it is to delete the post and type it directly here, or type it in notepad and copy and paste it here. That'll fix it, but you'll lose the comments.
Louise M. Premium
you can just edit it. :)
jorpcorn Premium
Don't know what caused the code. Another good article site, similar to Infobarrel, is I really enjoy using it.
I have no idea why all this code is showing up after my blog entry. If anyone can give me any insight, please do.