Second sale (sort of)

Last Update: August 07, 2010

Looks like the door has opened up for me to receive WA Gold.  I received three more since I posted about getting my first.  Thank you all for your generosity.  Thanks to you, I have 40 cents in my WA affiliate account!  That's my second sale (sort of).  Lots of potential to build on...

I haven't seen this hosting service advertised here but I use it for one of my own websites--one I have had since well before I got started with WA.  Just Host is a very straightforward customer service oriented hosting company that I highly recommend.  And yes, they have a great affiliate program.  So, if you're in the market for hosting services besides or in addition to what's offered here at WA, then please include Just Host in your shopping around.

I'm quitting early today.  We have lots of work around the homestead to do.  Besides I have so many ideas for more Squidoo lenses it's probably best to let them rattle around in the ole' noggin for the weekend.  Hopefully I'll be back at it on Monday.


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