Two more Squidoo lenses

Last Update: August 12, 2010

I Squidoo-ed all day and published two more lenses. and ; Both of these are based on my personal life and were fairly easy to write, though still time consuming.  Weird how I start a lense thinking I'm just going to have a few modules and end up with close to 20 every time.  Getting involved on the Squidoo forum as well and will be reading another ebook about how to make solid income within Squidoo.  I think I'll be putting lenses up compulsively until the money starts flowing.  Then again, I'm getting the impression it's not that easy.

Next time I'm at it  I'll be back to working on my Clearwater Lodge campaign.  I need to launch the muskie blog with some stories of how people first got involved in the sport, so I'll be hitting the muskie forums and seeing if people want to share their stories with me for my blog.

 Well, gotta run.

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moonvine Premium
Fantastic news!! You are wonderful at Squidoo and that Sugar Free Halloween is going to be huge!! Many parents will be searching for that kind of information!