Varolo's public beta launch: how you can benefit

Last Update: December 04, 2010

As an Advertiser...

Did you ever wish you could run an ad campaign as targeted as a PPC but with more visual appeal?

Do you currently use video advertising as part of your marketing strategy?

You can benefit by participating in Varolo.

Varolo, whose tag line is "the next generation in permission marketing" is a site where users opt in to view thirty second commercials.  You can place your ad in front of those viewers.  You pay for each ad viewed and you only pay when a viewer has rated your ad within fifteen seconds of it ending.  

You can add coupons, calls to action with links and promotions right into the ad, and you can track the response.  You can target your ad to any criteria you like, including age, gender and zip code.

Want to try it out?  PM me and I'll send you a promo code you can use to get 250 free ad credits with Varolo.

As a User...

How would you like to earn points that can be redeemed for DVD players, iPads, and portable MP3 players? 

How about entries into weekly jackpots worth thousands of dollars?

And the best part:  Use your Internet marketing skills to build a nice big village (downline) and you can earn weekly cash for all the ads your villager watch.  You just need to watch a few ads to claim those earnings, and voila, a residual online income.  Your Varolo village will become one of your greatest assets.


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Note: Varolo may go offline periodically as it's working out the issues that always accompany a brand new launch. There's a reason it's called a beta. If you want to join and can't get through, please be patient and try again later.


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