WA article marketing club over. Time for a break!

Last Update: November 24, 2010

I finished everything I'm going to finish for the WA article marketing club today.  Going into Thanksgiving I have all the new skills I learned from the club under my belt along with ten articles in the EzineArticles queue.

I've kept up with the work and then some.  I'm going to put my campaign on a regular maintenance schedule starting Monday.

Now, it's time for a good long break.  Time to leave it alone for four days.  Time to pry myself away from the computer.  Time to celebrate and give thanks for all the great blessings in my life.

Time to let all the new stuff I've learned and taken action on sink in.

In the mean time, you all can now follow me on Facebook and Twitter.  Hope to "see" some of you there.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Happy Thanksgiving Fernanda! I'm away from the computer today too and baking pies.
marekov Premium
Congratulations and Happy Thanksgiving!