WA Hosted Web Site Gone!

Last Update: July 23, 2010

After a full day of not being able to load my website, I finally got a message telling me there's no website at MyProductReviewsNow.com.  Try it and see for yourself.  If you do and it's back up, then definitely let me know.

I've put messages on the forum, chatted on both Kyle and Carson's space and also PM'd Carson.  I really hope it's some sort of glitch that is being worked on.  I really hope.

But  it's very frustrating in the mean time.  If my article readers click to my landing page but can't get there, there go all my potential sales.  I haven't made any yet and THIS IS NOT HELPING!

I'm not very happy with WA right now.

But moving on, what have I learned?

From now on, I will keep a copy of my website on the main WordPress site--you know, a free blog.  I will reference both sites in my resource box so that if a reader can't get to one, they can get to the other.  I would have figured on doing that at some point anyway, but having just put up my site a week ago, I haven't had the time to even think about backing it up.

I know they say never pay someone to do your website.  I have an unrelated business with a web site here and a web developer.  When something goes haywire, he deals with it.  I like having someone that's knowledgeable able to handle technical difficulties.  With my WA website, can anyone help me or am I on my own?

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?   If your site(s) still work, count your blessings and duplicate them elsewhere.  That's what I'm going to be doing from now on.

I hope the WA host gurus can restore it so I can back up content by just copying and pasting into a new location.

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BradB Premium
I guess I shouldn't hit the mouse with my fist like that hey....!!?
BradB Premium
Hi Brad here.

I am sitting here waiting to cool down enough to write a PM to Kyle and Carson on a similar issue regarding the blog piece of,........shall we say software.............
It is times like this that I wish i didn't always have to be a good witness.
I mean couldn't HE not look over my shoulder just once because this is where I could write some very colorful copy and show off that I can swear a blue streak in 3 languages............

As it is I'm very busy "Taking Every Thought Captive".............

Other than that though,.....hows your day goin????
BradB Premium
Hi Brad here.

I am sitting here waiting to cool down enough to write a PM to Kyle and Carson on a similar issue regarding the blog piece of,........shall we say software.............
It is times like this that I wish i didn't always have to be a good witness.
I mean couldn't HE not look over my shoulder just once because this is where I could write some very colorful copy and show off that I can swear a blue streak in 3 languages............

As it is I'm very busy "Taking Every Thought Captive".............

Other than that though,.....hows your day goin????