Wanted: Your website domain names and some content I don't want to write

Last Update: November 14, 2010

This post is mainly directed towards my fellow WA article marketing club members but I'm happy to work with anyone who has what I'm looking for.

I'm working on a step by step tutorial for setting up a mini-campaign on my website and I have run into some content ideas I either don't want to write or don't know enough about to write.  If you have content that would meet my needs I would like to be able to use that content in exchange for a backlink to a website of your choice--similar to how it would work if I republished one of your articles.

UPDATE:  I have page one of the tutorial published.  It's called Make money online for beginners.  Please read it to get a good working idea of what I need.  The goal is to be thorough enough so that a complete beginner can set up a simple campaign just following the steps I'm outlining.  I'll be working on perfecting the page over time, as well as publishing the sequels.  Feedback is always welcome.

Here's the subject I need to cover right now:  A step by step guide for setting up wordpress for a site that is not hosted with WA.  As I've never done this and I am not going to any time soon, I'd rather someone who has experience write something up for me.  I'm promoting JustHost (my favorite) and possibly HostGator so if the hosting company makes a difference I will prefer content geared towards hosting on either of those services.  Please post either a link to your content if it's published online or paste in the entire text as a comment.  I know you can purchase your domain through JustHost (so no need to go through GoDaddy).  Can you do this with HostGator too?  Please reply through the comments (no other way) so I can keep it all in one place.

UPDATE:  Thanks to Matt's comment I learned that you can get honest to goodness hosting for free and the company that provides it also has pretty good instructions for how to set up the website including filling in the correct DNSs and installing WordPress.  So I won't need that step by step tutorial anymore.  However, I may still be interested in a tutorial on downloading and setting up the good plugins, in particular the ones that are automatically included in WP Express, on a WP site that's not hosted by WA.

UPDATE:  Another content subject that would be nice to have.  Do you have experience running a campaign entirely on a free website provider, like weebly or something similar?  If so, can you write up a tutorial for how to set up a site using one or more of your favorite services?  The service would have to meet some criteria I outlined in the page I just published called Make money online for beginners for me to be able to use your content. Or, you have to make a good case to me for why the service is still acceptable to use.

I will choose the content that best suits me to syndicate.  You will get the same kind of credit and backlink you'd get if I just published one of your articles.  In fact, if you already have an article out, you're welcome to just point that out.  However, I may need more detail than what is usually included in a directory article.

As I come up with more content ideas I need, I will add them to this blog post, so feel free to check back.

The other thing I need are ideas for domain names relevant to Internet marketing.  Rather than coming up with some hypothetical names, I think I'll just include examples of real sites and of course I'll link to them.  I'll provide both an anchor text link (your domain name, basically) and the written out url.  This is pretty  much a freebie--if you send me your site, I'll give it a link.  I just want a collection of real live examples.  If you have a domain name that's relevant to Internet marketing, I'd love to add it to my list.  Post a link as a comment only.


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Thanks so much, Matt. That url is definitely worth some gold :-) Guess no one needs to pay for website hosting anymore.
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