Goodbye Everyone!

Last Update: October 03, 2010

I will try to make this short and sweet.

There have been a couple of times where I thought I would be leaving, but  hung on to WA b/c I thought I would have the money to keep it. I also thought my MS would get better enough to where I would be going back to work (at my 9-5 job) and that I would start trying to work on IM part time again. 

Well...that hasn't happened yet. Things with my MS haven't gotten much better and financially my husband and I are worse off than ever before. 

I haven't used WA in a long time. It isn't b/c of anything Kyle and Carson did or didn't is b/c of me. 

I came to the reality that trying to start your own business (yes, IM is a business) is FAR more difficult than doing a 9-5 job. If I can't do my 9-5 job physically right now, I sure in the hell can't do Internet Marketing right now.

 So, with that said, I am leaving WA. Hopefully, it isn't for good. Someday, I hope I will get better so I can come back. Even if I don't come back to WA, I have learned enough that I could do it on my own. 

Well, I don't know if WA profiles stay around after someone leaves, but if anyone can still read this and wants to keep in touch, you can email me at

I don't really get online much anymore, but I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Good luck to everyone! Just believe in yourself and it will come true!

Jamie :-)




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Fallulah Premium
Hi Jamie, I'm sorry to hear what's happening for you right now. I hope things look up for you very soon and you will be in my thoughts. Good Luck and take care of yourself, Paula.
Coffeekeg Premium
Sorry to see you go. My thoughts and prayers go with you. Hope to see you back soon.
dec944 Premium
Good health and I hope your situation gets better.
Sherion Premium
Best Wishes to You!
jatdebeaune Premium
All good wishes for your improving health and prosperity.