About Reggiemax26
Joined December 2008
I have been a member of WA since December of 2008. I had known about WA for about a year and a half before I joined. I didn't join because I didn't want to become victim to ANOTHER scam.

When I joined WA, I had a lot of goals. I figured by now I would have been able to make a good extra income, but I haven't. It isn't anything that WA didn't provide, it was mainly because of problems associated with my Multiple Sclerosis. I try not to use my illness as an excuse, but I have encountered problems such as losing my vision, not being able to move my fingers (which has caused me to not be able to type), and a lot of other things.

If you want to get a hold of me, you can email me directly at jamiepalaschak26@yahoo.com or PM me in the forum as I have my email up 99.9% of the time and get the notifications right away.
Reggiemax26's Accomplishments

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Mosaic Premium
Hi, Jamie- very inspiring story. Contact me anytime if you need any help. Cheers Debbie
reggiemax26 Premium
Thanks Debbie. Sorry for the late reply. I hardly ever get any messages on my WA spaces and just noticed I had one today. Not trying to ignore anyone!
spice Premium
Hi Jamie,

You said "maybe we can learn together". That is exactly what we will do. I'm new to WA and IM, but the help and support from the community here is just awesome!!

Not sure I can help you much at this time, but I have good buddies that know thier stuff so I can at least help you find your answer. Anything , anytime, just ask!!

reggiemax26 Premium
Hey Lisa. How are you?
shaz2datop Premium
Hello & welcome to the WA. I am relatively new to IM. Like you I also had heard about WA for several months before I finally joined. By the time I signed up I knew I would be getting a great IM education, and now that I'm here I also really like WA community of support and success.

You go girl! Prove him wrong.

Kirst Premium
awesome to see such profile update. i have been here for 2 months - and love to see newbies making it - even if its just a bit initially. Did you learn EVERYTHING you needed here on WA??
GO FOR IT and looking forward to seeing a future success story. Maybe you will get your fiance hooked.
are you doing bumm marketing?
Vincent Jan Premium
wow, you were able to make some money. thats good.

i am still in the process of learning stuffs, hopefully to make money like you do.