Break Time

Last Update: March 22, 2012

Well my second 30 in 30 challenge completed, I now feel freer to pay more attention to my other projects.

I just pulled off the first run through editing an urban novel in three sessions. It's more of a challenge to edit these types of tomes because they come in a very raw form. Seems neither the author nor typist has any real clue about how to speak/write the language properly. And you have to leave the dialogue vernacular while adhering to the rules more strictly in the rest of the text. This has meant a lot more editing than a standard novel and learning a whole new dialect, if you will, for me. This is my sixth such novel I've edited to date. I think I have found a niche here as the authors seem to have a difficult time finding an editor willing to edit this type of book. As an editor, I have had to disregard many standard rules for grammar and punctuation, especially in the dialogue. That's the hardest part but apparently an acceptable way of life for the writer and characters. If I actually enjoyed these works, I would build a site for it. But the subject matter and stories are all too similar in every one of these books. Very enlightening about the urban way of life they lead but not my cup of tea. Give me true writing talent, please!

Big T, my aquatic turtle, is frantically splashing the top of the water. He can't possibly be hungry - this is how he usually lets me know that - because he ate a lot today. I think it's time to let him stretch his legs. Gonna take him outside and let him wander around and give us both a break.


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jatdebeaune Premium
That sounds difficult Ann. What exactly is an urban novel? Editing is a good business. Translating novels from one language to another can be interesting too. I have a multi- lingual friend who does that. She translates from English to Slovenian.
Renni Premium
I only know one language! LOL...seriously, though, the setting for an "urban" novel takes place in a big city like Philadelphia.