The Crab Syndrome

Last Update: July 31, 2012
There once was a bucket half filled with live crabs. They were climbing all over each other and a few were attempting to reach the top to gain freedom from the confined space.

But every time one of the crabs reached the rim of the basket, another crab would reach out a claw and pull it back in. One crab, named Wayne, was teetering on the rim and managed to fall out just as another crab was preparing to strike. Wayne made it out of the basket! WooHoo!!!

Since you are here at WA, I will assume you are one of the crabs like Wayne, trying to get out of the dreary basket to find your own way to reach freedom and success.

Do you have people in your life who are like the other crabs trying to pull you back into a mundane life? They want you to be just like them. They would not revel in your success. They don’t really want you to get ahead and do everything they can to keep you bound by social norms and a ‘regular’ job. They are naysayers. Please don’t listen to them.

  • The other crabs lack vision.
  • The other crabs don’t like it when you expand your horizons.
  • The other crabs are more comfortable with you where you are -- in the same basket as them.
  • The other crabs don’t understand what you are trying to do. And they never will. So don’t try to explain it yet again. It’s falling on deaf ears.
  • The other crabs don’t have a clue about internet marketing. These are typically the types who think they are great because they can use email, Skype, and have a Facebook page.
  • The other crabs will never see the potential for success beyond their wildest dreams like you do.

So don’t let those crabs pull you down. Stand your ground. I personally try not to even bring it up so I don’t have to listen to how I should get a real job. It’s difficult to argue with those other crabs due to their ignorance (lack of knowledge). So I don’t bother.

I personally don’t like negative people but sometimes they are in your life and you can’t avoid them. When I’m around them, I don't let their negative attitude affect me. I try to get them to be positive about things....then, I’m a dreamer. Okay, I can live with that.

Positive affirmations work wonders for me!

I know one of these days I’ll go so far beyond their wildest dreams that I’ll be able to say "I Told You So!"

Then maybe I’ll recruit them! LOL

If you can relate to this, then you will too!
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TJ Books Premium
Your story about crabs reminded me when I was fishing with a friend in Linwood, NJ on a a tidal river to the bay. I was fishing with my friend and his daughter and I had his deaf grandson on my shoulders. We were catching fish like crazy and Blue Fin Crabs by the bushel. Well, I got a snapping turtle on my line and kicked one of our baskets full of crabs of the bridge. I watched the basket as it drifted away from the bridge. Pretty soon it was down to the rim and I saw all these claws straight up waving in the air. I though of Martin Luther King and the crabs saying, We Are Free, We Are Free. The next thing I did was throw one hundred bucks away when I gave the snapper to a guy in a pickup. He threw that big turtle in the back of his truck and took off. I knew he was heading to a seafood restaurant to sell my missed opportunity. But I was having too much fun. When we were finished, we headed over to my friends house whose wife was from Louisiana and an excellent seafood cook. A great day it was.

Moral: Let the crabs go and keep the turtle (opportunity).

Labman_1 Premium
Great story John. Nice Moral too.
Renni Premium
Cute! Thanks have lots of stories, don't you ? :) I can see all those crabs doing the 'wave'...hahaha

They were some lucky 'other' crabs...hope they decided to use their new found freedom in a better way! :)
Labman_1 Premium
Wayne made it out eh? I think that is an appropriate name. But did he end up stuck on the dock and grabbed by a seagull or did he skitter of the side to freedom.

I'm surrounded by them. Yup, at least the OH is tolerant if not supportive.
WayneBPK Premium
A bird did not get me it was a bottle of rum!
TJ Books Premium
Jesus Christ had an answer for this, it was to stamp the dust off your feet and move on. Great post, Renni!. But I have another comment which I'll put up in a different box. Tnx, John
Renni Premium
Ya might know...I liken those "other crabs" to people who have blinders horses during a race...they only see what's directly in front of them and can't widen their vision to see peripherally beyond their dull, ordinary lives.
Hudson Premium
Super Renni, liked it very much, thanks
Renni Premium
Glad you liked it, Hudson! How's is all going for you?
I needed that pick me up. Thanks for sharing Liked
Renni Premium
We all do at times! Thanks for sharing/liking :)