Dancing Dog | Just for Fun

Last Update: July 14, 2012
Enjoy this video of a dog dancing the Merengue....I think the dog knew the steps better than her owner


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mama2karsten Premium
Yes, I did... What a great Dog!
mama2karsten Premium
The dogs body language tells me happy... that dog has a happy tail wag. I am also fascinated by the actual dance moves. That is a very long sequence for anyone, but this dog has it down... again thanks.
Renni Premium
I can't imagine how long it took to train the dog...but the dog was probably easy to train cuz of all the fun she seems to be having. What an intelligent animal! Did you catch the part where she sits in one place and the guy wasn't on cue...? lol
Shawn Martin Premium
mama2karsten Premium
Thanks for the link. I love that video and am amazed at the stamina and rhythm of the dog. I had seen that before, and it still makes me smile.
Renni Premium
yeah, it's been around for a while but I love it...worth sharing in case someone hasn't seen it...can't believe the dog stays up on two legs the whole time! And she looks like she's having so much fun!