Kansas Farmboys teach Agriculture to the masses

Last Update: July 08, 2012
Tagging on Wayne's blog post today....more smiles on the way...

This site went viral so fast it makes my head spin....like 3 mill hits in the first week. Touted as very educational for kids who never saw a farm or know anything about agriculture and don't know where the bulk of the food they eat actually comes from...


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Labman_1 Premium
Cute, glad it went viral. Most farmers need the help that a viral video can provide.
yessharon Premium
Great video. I was raised on a farm and it brought back many memories.
Renni Premium
yeah...it's pretty cool. the boys are great! What nice kids
fredster Premium
Hello:) I'm new to WA and don't know what I'm doing. In wordpess am I building a blog or a web site, do I have to blog to have a website? Shouldn't theblog be related to my niche?
Renni Premium
Hi fredster,
I am going to send you a private message. Go to Forums on the left and at the top of that page you will see 'messages'...you should see 1 Message...that'll be mine. Click on that and we can exchange emails there.

Best of Luck to you...I'll help when I can. Also, there are lots of people in the Chat area willing to help newbies with specific questions.