Moving Right Along

Last Update: May 18, 2011

Okay, it's been a coupla weeks since my last blog post - don't frown, I've been BUSY! I got thru some of the obstacle that were totally frustrating me in my last post. I let go of the ones I deemed not necessary to learn right now and concentrated on ones that were important to keep things moving. I still need to lots of backlinking and finding new products, etc. 

In the meantime, I took on the 30 Articles in 30 Days Challenge. Now I know I'm completely off my rocker! Like I don't have enough to do! But I am getting more traffic but not any click thrus so I have to up my game on the sites which I am constantly tweaking and learning html for.

I really need to find out how people get all those great backgrounds and mods on their web pages. I still feel like a total amateur. And by amateur, I mean in the literal sense of what that word really means. An amateur loves something(could be anything) but is not a virtuoso. So, yeah, I'm an amateur -- my pc and I are now BFF's and I'm addicted to it at this point.

It's a long, slow journey but I'm on it!


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