Sheesh! It's Been a While

Last Update: February 17, 2012

It's been a while since I created a post here or have even been here and I have a couple of  messages I didn't realize I had in here - I usually just check New Messages in my internal email at WA.

So, first let me apologize for not getting back to you sooner and for not adding all the buddy requests that I didn't realize had been growing. I added you all and thanks for wanting to Buddy me.

I have several websites to monitor and create posts for and that's why I don't spend time here. Between them and other business endeavors, and an elderly Mom that I am mostly the caregiver for, I just plain don't have much time left over. I'm actually making a little money each month as a webmaster creating sites for other people - only 3 right now -- plus I have 3 sites of my own. I am a professional organizer by day and recently was asked to create business brochures for two separate business in addition to that. One brochure was a one page, front and, tri-fold and the other is 16 pages complete with graphics and all content written by me about a Masonry company and the masonry choices and processes. It's been a real challenge and is taking a lot of my time these days.

So, as you can imagine...I'm too bushed at night to pull late night hours here and social networking. There are so many things to do online it gets to the point where I sometimes still get overwhelmed but when I look back on my day -- almost any day -- I can still say I accomplished a lot and I'll get as good as anyone else if I just keep learning.  

I still need to learn lots more about html, php, FTP, and site Editors. And I'm still not totally adept at all the other stuff yet. 

I just take it one day at a time... I can say that because of WA, I know way more than I did a year ago when I joined. And I have learned more at WA in that year than I have thru all the other programs I tried before I found WA -- and there were many over several years.

I wish you all, all the best. Keep going, keep your chin up, and keep the faith. You can do it!

Ann Marie

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