Street Articles Challenge

Last Update: March 02, 2012

Okay, I'm a third of the way through the 30 in 30 Challenge and today's email from Kyle said to write two articles related to something in the news. I wrote about the Fair Tax for the first one and found a great link to the website where a series of short videos explains it all in simple terms by a guy who is very well spoken on the subject. 

So then I was kinda at a loss to figure out a second newsworthy topic. And I've heard many times that we should try to be controversial. So I decided to write about something that bugs me...Glorifying Celebs who were obviously drug addicts and died from overdoses. Out of the 50 Street Articles I've written to date, this is the first one that might cause some controversy. I got 20 hits in the first hour. I'm a little excited about this and a little nervous. I'm not used to being controversial or adversarial. Don't get me wrong, I have my opinions. But, with the exception to sharing them with offline family and close friends, I just usually keep them to myself.

Kyle's email challenged me in a different way today and it's just the sort of push I need to grow as an online author. I've also been networking more as suggested in previous emails in this challenge. I already have plenty to do so usually neglect that aspect of building an online presence. But I'm finding that even if I only add one friend or buddy request, Pin, comment, like, tweet, or follow each day, it'll all add up.

Neither of these stories is related to any of my sites but that was ok for today's lesson.  I was learning something else.

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mhamilt Premium
Always seek to offend people :-) You never know where the lines are otherwise! Today's world has become very 'sanitized' with everyone not seeking to be controversial. Might offend someone - oh dear. Whatever will they do? It's a pity that one of the things people are 'claiming to protect' - tolerance - is such a misunderstood thing. It's not those 'out there' that need to be more tolerant, it's actually 'in here' where tolerance begins. Congrats on your article. I think glorifying Celebs after having died is an important issue. Kind of die early and be eternal forever.

Whitney Houston officially didn't die from illegal drugs by the way. While she had her battles it was the good old pharmaceutical companies that did it. Although having not read your article I'm not actually sure what your viewpoint was, so I'm just assuming things here. And rambling. I'll shut up now.
Renni Premium
LOL...You don't even want to get me started on the pharmaceutical companies, the AMA, the FDA, and the Media when it comes to selling out unsuspecting consumers! They prey on our trust and weaknesses. And they try their hardest to keep us all dependent on their toxic chemicals...see? I started already...couldn't help myself. I feel bad about these celebs dying but it's strange to me how people excuse their bad habits. Hooray for the ones who get treatment.
jatdebeaune Premium
I have strong opinions about just about everything. Hold back, just to avoid conflict. I think it's healthy for everybody to be controversial sometimes, especially if you cause people to think. The political arena is particularly touchy. Maybe it's best to avoid that. Would also love to read your articles.
Renni Premium
I can't believe your comment was posted at 5:04 am! And I thought I got up early! LOL..Yeah, I stay away from politics online or off. I was holding off with the link to my 'controversial' SA cuz after I replied to the two comments I got it was put back in pending status and it's still there! But here's the direct link if you have time. Let me know what you think, 'K? Are you an SA author?...we should folo each other if you are. Thanks for your comment! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
I left a comment on your article. My articles for SA are more design related. I should write one of those controversial articles and see what people say. As for drugs, I understand how people can get addicted. Addiction is a disease in itself. If extreme, it's like being nuts. People lose reason. So that's why I avoid all drugs like the plague. If someone is in intolerable pain, then they need a drug. Addiction is the dangerous part. Good article.
Renni Premium
You are so right - addiction is a disease. Instead of prescribing drugs maybe their doctors should prescribe rehab. Thanks.
Great work, just to respond to the challenge this way. Each night I work on a few things and never seem to finish them. Looking forward to your article. Sherry
Renni Premium
Hi Sherry, I was holding off sending you the link cuz after I replied to the two comments I got, the article was put back in Pending status by SA. Not sure why and it's still there! I hope it is back to Published soon as I was really getting hits on it. Here's the direct link -- Are you at SA?...we should folo each other if you are. Kyle's email today challenges us to find 15 good keywords for our niche and keep writing. I'm with you about the few things each night...I get hung up checking emails and the like and moderating my know, all the admin stuff can eat up your time. Luckily, as you can see, I am verbose and have no problem writing a lot once I get going. Best of luck to you, Sherry.
Thanks for the link and gutsy article... is my first (and only) article so far.... Night for now! Sherry M
Thanks for the link and gutsy article... is my first (and only) article so far.... Night for now! Sherry M
klrrider Premium
I would have to agree with you on the Celebs (monarch slaves) ... would like to read your article when you are finished... please post a link. Keep up the hard work!
Renni Premium
Hi klrrider, here's the link and thanks for your interest. I replied to the two comments I got and my article went back into Pending status for some strange reason after I did but I think you can go directly to it anyway. Thanks for your interest. If you are on SA, let me know and I'll folo you.