Time's Running Out

Last Update: March 18, 2012

Hi All!

Well I got my time down but find I still have too much to say in my articles. I want to give more information than is probably necessary. I want to cover all the bases. Learning how to narrow my topic down to sub-topics and break longer articles up into smaller chunks. That's the ticket. Not that I always do it :) But I got how to do it and that's really good - especially since now I can write more than one article on the same topic more easily and get more keywords/phrases out there.

Three articles to go by tomorrow, don't know exactly what time but I think it was noon last time (don't quote me on this) and that'll be the end of this 30 in 30 Challenge. The emails are chock full of great information - like mini-tutorials and now I want to go through them and do the things I only touched on or didn't have enough time to accomplish - like more networking within SA. I did some but only as much as time allowed.

I even feel like I made friends there. My Tribe is growing. I kinda wish there was a message center so I could have more personal conversations with some of them. Love that they are all over the world, too. Cool! We just try to hook up on Facebook. 

Well, gotta go get those last three done today. Got up way early to get started. Mom had a second operation yesterday so I have to be there for her and I have a couple of deadlines on other projects and yada, yada... Life never stops!

Hope my Buddies reading this have a great weekend!

Take care and never give up!

Ann Marie

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Labman_1 Premium
Congratulations on completing your challenge. It's amazing how a concerted effort with a goal will get you through. Now that you have done it, articles will never be an issue for you again. You can now refine your efforts to make your points and get people clicking through to your content. Save your expounding for your site and tease your readers with your articles.
Renni Premium
Great advice, Labman. Thanks. It's good to be finished the 30 in 30 so now I have time to go back thru the emails I skimmed and refine my networking, articles, and sites, Oh My!