
Last Update: March 09, 2012

Kept it short and ended with 398 words - added a few on the back end to get over 400 and ended up with 401. Wasn't easy to write cuz it's related to a site that I admin for someone else so had to do some research and use his info. Plus KW research...yada yada yada

My time was about half an hour so both goals are getting there.

I'm nearing my goal to get my time at 20 minutes, my research under 10, and my word count 400 and am almost there. Thing is, it's still uncomfortable so the next goal will be to accomplish this every time I write an article.

Breaking the larger articles up into micro-parts with the help of KW research works well as a strategy.

Thanks for all the help and advice from My Buddies.

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Congrats Renni... I am in awe! Sherry M
Renni Premium
LOL :)