Posts by Rgraham 2
October 25, 2010
SO, yeah I've had my gripe about not getting myself up to speed but that's all done and dusted now. Onwards and upwards as some people say... Watch out, any minute now I'm going to blurt out that there is no 'I' in team or 'Going Forward' :) I've got my laptop up and running again with a new hard drive and battery. I didn't say earlier that it died on me recently. The back up was a bit corrupted also so I have lost a few things. I think this is just the universe telling me that it was time for
October 25, 2010
I think at times I must be my own worse enemy. I joined here to make the most of the leaning, the opportunity to mix with people willing to share their knowledge and to get started on a new path. What did I do? I let my day job get in the way, I worked hard, got promoted and made someone else a lot of money. Now I'm stuck in that route of further development to being a better wage slave. Can't do it. I want more out of life and with my rules :) So here I am, I have to stop the distractions and g