
Last Update: October 25, 2010

I think at times I must be my own worse enemy. I joined here to make the most of the leaning, the opportunity to mix with people willing to share their knowledge and to get started on a new path. What did I do? I let my day job get in the way, I worked hard, got promoted and made someone else a lot of money. Now I'm stuck in that route of further development to being a better wage slave. Can't do it. I want more out of life and with my rules :)

So here I am, I have to stop the distractions and get back to the training page and learn and then make this work. I need to keep giving myself a kick up the bum to stay at it and be motivated to do something for me. How do you all do it? What keeps you from the rat race? 

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jatdebeaune Premium
You sound like someone who is accustomed to succeeding. That's a very good sign. Should give you confidence. Sounds like you go the full distance. You'll do that in your own business too. If I were you, I'd try to grab 2 hours of the day, if possible, for my Internet business. You can accomplish a lot in that time. It's not easy, and will take time from being with family, but you have to do it. Stay organized and keep to the most essential things. Experimentation is great, but if I had limited time, I would take a niche and steps that deliver quicker returns.
erussell Premium
I remind myself of what I could have if I make this succeed + what I have right now and don't want...that always helps me when I'm in a rut. Also, when trying to accomplish something, I force myself to do the tiniest thing (ex. write the first paragraph for an article), and then most of the time end up finishing the whole task. I also like to set time limits for everything I do because it forces me to take action and not worry about the smaller details.
Labman_1 Premium
Sorry to hear you are having to focus on a paying job for the time being. I know how difficult time management can be. It sounds like you need to identify a time each day/night to spend on this activity. Pick an hour or two and determine what it is you want to accomplish. Then focus on just that task. At the end of your designated time, set your goal for the next day. Use the task list here on WA or use the calendar/task functions on Firefox or IE. Just make sure you set yourself small attainable goals. It makes you feel like you are actually making progress and gets you a bit closer to your payoff each day.