Two posts in a day :o)

Last Update: October 25, 2010

SO, yeah I've had my gripe about not getting myself up to speed but that's all done and dusted now. Onwards and upwards as some people say... Watch out, any minute now I'm going to blurt out that there is no 'I' in team or 'Going Forward' :)

I've got my laptop up and running again with a new hard drive and battery. I didn't say earlier that it died on me recently. The back up was a bit corrupted also so I have lost a few things. I think this is just the universe telling me that it was time for a clear out which, I intend on doing further. It's time to unsubscribe from all those 'Guru' mailing lists. Far too much time devoted to reading yet another sales pitch I don't want to follow up. It's time to concentrate on WA and me. Yes, that right. It's all me me me at the moment ;).

 So, enough about me. What do you think about me? :D



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