Posts by Rich76 4
June 10, 2010
Yesterday was the hardest day financially..still trying to catch up and stay here at WA..and keep my place..Im not going to give way..thank you all who responded to my previous blog and being supportive. I havent completed the action plan that will be my first goal. I added my website to my profile that I currently have...its my own requires me to go out to the clinets house and teach.from everything Ive learned so far..there might be a way to sell produts on my
June 09, 2010
Hello,  My head is pounding at the moment. Its been a rough couple of months financially..that is one of the reasons I decided to take the plunge and try Internet Marketing..I have gotten to the lessons and Im still on track..its really hard to stay modivated lately..bills and rent has started to take a toll..Ive taken actions to help me in some way..Im just waiting for the results...and this has nothing to do with internet marketing yet..ju
Hello everyone,  Im now on my third lesson..took a much needed much as I wanted to start right away..I took some time to think about my actions..I cant rush the process..I must take things step by step..Already I have so many ideas about products, websites, who and where to market and Im not even at the end of the training yet.. I know and trust that I will be successful because I am successful already..I must believe it now until it becomes
Hello Everyone,  Im fairly new to this program. Ive been on this computer all day..I think its time to take a break. There's so much to read and so much to learn. Im So hungry to learn all there is to know. I know I need to slow down a bit. Im starting to get a headache..LOL. but I cant help it. I think im getting addicted. Im so inspired by so many succees stories that Ive read so far. My goal and hope is to be able to write a success