A new day!!!

Last Update: June 10, 2010

Yesterday was the hardest day financially..still trying to catch up and stay here at WA..and keep my place..Im not going to give up...no way..thank you all who responded to my previous blog and being supportive. I havent completed the action plan yet..so that will be my first goal. I added my website to my profile that I currently have...its my own business..it requires me to go out to the clinets house and teach.from everything Ive learned so far..there might be a way to sell produts on my site and drive more traffic...I would still go to the clients house..beacuse its what I do..but maybe there is a way to sell videos, t-shirts, gowns, tuxedos...not sure..if anyone has any ideas please let me know..www.choreographyentertainment.com

Thank you.

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Rich76 Premium
Thank you Fallulah..I appreciate it..it still very hard right now..Im trying my best to keep my spirits up..thank you for the gold and everyne else who has commented and expressed their ideas and support..it means the world..especially, right now..I have no idea how im going to do or succeed in IM yet but I know what that success looks like already..thank..thank you and thank you...I love this community..Im hoping to postmy success storires of how I made $8000-$10,000 a month..lol..wishful thinking but that is my ultimate goal..I now I can do it.
Fallulah Premium
Is there any way you can use the theatrical skills and knowledge that you have already to put together a few squid lenses? Have you had a look at potpiegirl's http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-salsa-dance just as an example? I'm sure with the specialist knowledge you have you could bring some exciting info to people, monetize and even bring your expertise to the attention of more people ... I know it's tough when you're facing financial pressures. Hopefully some of the ideas from WA will help keep you going Rich. I know you can do this. Sending you some Gold anyway to lift your spirits :)
Rich76 Premium
hahaha..maybe next year
jatdebeaune Premium
I think you should be on So You Think You Can Dance.