A new day..a new beginning!!

Last Update: May 20, 2010

Hello everyone,

 Im now on my third lesson..took a much needed break..as much as I wanted to start right away..I took some time to think about my actions..I cant rush the process..I must take things step by step..Already I have so many ideas about products, websites, who and where to market and Im not even at the end of the training yet..

I know and trust that I will be successful because I am successful already..I must believe it now until it becomes a reality. I have hope, faith and love..but of all a positive spirit. Some days are tough as hell...even before I started this training..but I knew I had to take some kind of action..otherwise I would just die..slowly of pure despair.I even put up my first Squidoo page just to see if I can do it..and I did..   

Although I havent made any sales or had much traffic..lol..its ok..as long as I took the first steps.. "Just take the first step..and I will be there for your second step and third and so on..." thats what I keep hearing in my head..even though I havent made any sales at all. So I will take anouther step and If I fall then I will get up..time will tell the tale of WA..I have a feeling it will be everything I imagined and more!!!

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cld111 Premium
Great post! Sounds like you are definitely on the right track. Keep moving forward. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Rich, I just figure if you have had success in one thing, you have the pattern for it. So, you'll have success in another thing if you desire it. I wish you great success.
maureenhannan Premium
I'm with you! "...it's ok...as long as I took the first steps.." Exactly what I keep telling myself. No quick results. Lots of learning, and lots of daily action. Good luck, Rich!
Fallulah Premium
Just read your post I think you've got a fantastic attitude and self-coaching style Rich :) Keep doing what you're doing, step by step, pacing yourself and keeping us up to date - Great stuff!