About Rocnwyn
Joined March 2010
Hi, Today is my first day of IM or any online business. I had my own tree trimming service for 18 years and had great success until 9/11 happened followed by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. With the high gas prices and the effect on the economy, I was forced to go to work for someone else.I make good money and I am grateful to have a job, BUT I hate my boss!!!!

No really I hate him. I hate his voice, his management decisions and the overall hostile work environment he has created. For that reason I have decided to give WA a try. I am not the least bit computer literate and not sure if I can do this but will give it All the effort I gave my first business. Hopefully It will pay off with both wealth and the feeling of security I once enjoyed.

Any one that would like to buddy up, whether you are a newcomer or a WA veteran, Please message me. I need all the help I can get

April 19 2010

I still hate my boss. lol

I have been working 70+ hours a week, so I have not been able to do much here. I have read a lot of post and started building webpages, but I have learned enough now to know that the pages I had started were crap.

I will go back through the getting started guide and then start over.
Rocnwyn's Accomplishments

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Peedsbornagain Premium
Hey .. hows everythin goin on ... wish you and your family a lot of happiness and joy and success ... Cheers... if u get stuck anywhere ...lemme know ..
Terry Neal Premium
welcome to WA
sar3483 Premium
Hi rocnwyn, welcome to WA. Feel free to get in touch if there's anything that I can do for you. Good luck!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
bodovan Premium

Welcome on board!!!
Let me know if you need anything to help you here or anything else...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...

Take care,