Posts by ROWP 3
November 24, 2010
With 3 days of -26C weather the lake is now frozen and the Swans are gone.  Soon the snowmobiles, and ice skaters will be enjoying the extra space!  My website is coming along nicely. I'm looking forward to the WAbinar this afternoon to help me get it setup right. Then I can move on to getting some traffic! Sure, I'm a little slow in my progress but if you want a solid foundation you need to take your time and do it right! Some people follow the high road, others follow the low road. I
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November 17, 2010
     As you can see from my new profile picture... we have Trumpeter Swans on the lake!  They are very loud but they are so beautiful!  I took this pick on Nov. 11.  On Nov. 16 it started snowing.       That was yesterday and it is still snowing!!  If I tried to take a picture today it would just be white!!       Thankfully it has been very light snow so we have only gained a couple inches on the ground.&
November 15, 2010
Hello Everyone! This is my very first blog ever! Please forgive any mistakes.  Today is day 2 with WA.  So far I still feel like I am stumbling around trying to find things but I have made progress.  I can now find my way to the lessons, my WA Space and the forums.  I have just been in the keyword search tool and for the most part I do understand what it is telling me and I am getting lots of ideas for articles. I'm now looking forward to the lesson that will teach me how to
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