Day 2 My Progress Report

Last Update: November 15, 2010

Hello Everyone!

This is my very first blog ever! Please forgive any mistakes. 

Today is day 2 with WA.  So far I still feel like I am stumbling around trying to find things but I have made progress.  I can now find my way to the lessons, my WA Space and the forums.  I have just been in the keyword search tool and for the most part I do understand what it is telling me and I am getting lots of ideas for articles. I'm now looking forward to the lesson that will teach me how to use it more effectively.

 My next step is my first domain name.  I went to the keyword search for some ideas for domain names to promote WA.  I found TONS of ideas and I realized that an understanding of what  "Comp. (0-100) means would be helpful!  I'm starting to get the idea that there are many things you need to know "first" before you can do really well on anything!  This is not a new concept for me as in the Septic business (my offline career) this is the norm so it isn't scaring me it's just a little frustrating.  I have to admit that I am a perfectionist!  I hate doing anything "half-a**ed" and "good enough for now" is just not acceptable!  My dad always told me that no matter how well or how poorly you did on your last project you CAN do better next time.

So take a tip from my dad... Strive to do better than you did last time and you will succeed!

Good luck to all!



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Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA. Best Wishes to You. Your dad has some good wisdom he handed down.