The Swans are Here!

Last Update: November 17, 2010

     As you can see from my new profile picture... we have Trumpeter Swans on the lake!  They are very loud but they are so beautiful!  I took this pick on Nov. 11.  On Nov. 16 it started snowing. 

     That was yesterday and it is still snowing!!  If I tried to take a picture today it would just be white!! 

     Thankfully it has been very light snow so we have only gained a couple inches on the ground.  I hope we don't get too much... the new snowplow for the 4-wheeler won't arrive until next Tuesday!

Progress Report - Day 3

     Yesterday was not very productive for my WA activities.  My offline business needed some attention.  It's just about ready for winter hibernation, just have a few final strings to tie up and some paperwork to shuffle, then I can focus all my time to WA!  I did get some reading done for WA in the evening so it wasn't a total loss.

 Progress Report - Day 4

Well, I think I made up for the lack of progress yesterday!

  • I now have a domain name
  • The web hosting at WA is ready
  • I have begun the process of my first Article Marketing Campaign
  • I forwarded a sub-domain to a product
  • ClickBank is set to go, and
  • EzineArticle is ready for my first article!

Tomorrow I will be writing a few articles and submitting them!


PotPieGirl's ebook "The DAM way"

I never would have made all these "firsts" in one day without her help!

     If it weren't for the 3 hours of reading to get through the ClickBank Client Contract I would have an article published too! LOL

     I did however, gain a better understanding on how things work and how well they protect everyone including me. Never forget the legal stuff!

     If you are new and feeling overwhelmed like I was starting to feel go see and get your free copy of "The DAM Way" it will go along way to making you feel like you are making progress... because you will be!  Don't forget to add her as a buddy, I hear she writes a lot of helpful posts!

It is now just after midnight and time for some rest.

Good Night all!!


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Sherion Premium
I hope you don't mind but I added you as a buddy. I am also following PPG The DAM Way. I am now submitting my 4th article and will submit it tomorrow. It was not hard following her directions. I am going to also start promoting another product. I think that for awhile this is all I will do. Best of Wishes to You.
jatdebeaune Premium
Congrats on your progress. I love swans. We have them in our ponds too. One time, a swan decided to squat in my front yard. He got protective of the house and wouldn't let me go into my own house. It was very funny. Had to call the EPA so I could go home. They are gorgeous though.
jatdebeaune Premium
Congrats on your progress. I love swans. We have them in our ponds too. One time, a swan decided to squat in my front yard. He got protective of the house and wouldn't let me go into my own house. It was very funny. Had to call the EPA so I could go home. They are gorgeous though.