Posts by RRH90 2
This is a section from my newest post on my blog, which I thought would be good to post on my WA blog as well.    My Blog has 2 more tips, but those are targeted to those who are just beginner to hear about Internet Marketing and since you all are here at WA, they won't necessarily apply to you. (unless you want to join my emailing list).   My first tip is when picking your first niche, pick to a niche that you know. Picking niches in the “ma
**My Story (in short)** As I'm writing this, I've been in the Internet Marketing game for nearly two years. I started during my first semester at community college when I took the big leap and joined Wealthy Affiliate University, which has been one of my greatest decisions.  Growing up in the world of the Internet, I knew my way around the Internet. I could research any topic for school, I had a Facebook as soon as they allowed non-college emails to sign up, the list goes on.  It wasn'