About RRH90
Joined October 2008
**My Story (in short)**

As I'm writing this, I've been in the Internet Marketing game for nearly two years. I started during my first semester at community college when I took the big leap and joined Wealthy Affiliate University, which has been one of my greatest decisions.

Growing up in the world of the Internet, I knew my way around the Internet. I could research any topic for school, I had a Facebook as soon as they allowed non-college emails to sign up, the list goes on.

It wasn't until I decided to look for alternative ways to make some money, instead of waiting tables at a Chinese restaurant that I had been working at since I was 14.

When I first joined Wealthy Affiliate, I read a few forum posts and started the then "8-Week Action Plan". Of course, school must come first, so taking the right action seemed impossible.

After spending nearly 6 months here, I still hadn't made my first dollar online. But let's get real, I didn't spend 6 months here, I was just a member for 6 months.

I hadn't done anything! Sure, I made a "website" with SiteRubix, threw some affiliate links on there, but I didn't know anything about traffic. I even thought purchasing those "hits" was a great idea. Not. I simply stuck to answer others questions on yahoo answers to get traffic.

In Spring 2009, the restaurant that I had worked at for nearly 5 years was sold and since I was close with the family who owned it, I too choose to depart. Which is when everything started to change.

Since I didn't have a consistent income anymore, I knew I had to get to work and make this Internet Marketing work. So I purchased PotPieGirl's One Week Marketing and took it very seriously. I copied exactly what they did and within a few days, I had made my first sale!

Bringing us to present day, I still continue with Internet Marketing along with having other jobs, including working at a department store.

**The "Real" About Me**

I'm 19 years old (20 on September 18, 2010). I currently live in Maryland, where I live with my family and attend a community college. Along with Internet Marketing, I work at a department store.

I enjoy listening to all genres of music, especially rock and country. I used to play baseball for several years when I was younger, but was not a fan of organized sports (too many bad experiences with coaches). I enjoy playing all kinds of sports, like baseball, football, golf, hockey, etc.

My Sports Teams:

Baseball: Orioles - Yes, I'm aware they are terrible, but I grown up with their terribleness, so I have low expectations now.

Football: Redskins - Well, I like the Orioles, who has the worst owner in baseball, might as well go with the worst owner in football too. I love the Redskins because of my grandmother. I also like the Ravens. Battle of the Beltways is what I want!

Hockey - Washington Capitals - I guess I really am attracted to the worst organizations in sports

In my spare time, I enjoy playing the guitar and singing (if no one is home), and watching movies.
RRH90's Accomplishments

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Ryan. I greatly appreciate your helping me in the Forum and think you deserve GOLD, so here is some. Hope it's OK with you, I added you to my buddy network. All the best. Joan
Jimmy Massey Premium
Wow!! Your 18 I though I was the youngest here.

Thanks for the help man here is some gold.
Pixote Premium
Thanks for the info on the dupefreepro download you posted in response to a question in the forum. I am sure I will find it very useful. Don't have much gold, I am new, but I did flip you a coin.
RRH90 Premium
No problem, glad to help!
Skybound Premium
Thanks for the reply to my how to add a buddy post. Seems to me you could be a useful guy to know. So I've just hit your Buddy button!
RRH90 Premium
No problem, glad to help!