My 3 Tips for All Those Who Are Just Starting

Last Update: August 28, 2010
This is a section from my newest post on my blog, which I thought would be good to post on my WA blog as well. 
My Blog has 2 more tips, but those are targeted to those who are just beginner to hear about Internet Marketing and since you all are here at WA, they won't necessarily apply to you. (unless you want to join my emailing list).
My first tip is when picking your first niche, pick to a niche that you know. Picking niches in the “make money online” or health areas are going to be extremely hard to make sales in because they have too much competition. My suggestion for you first niche is picking your favorite hobby and figuring out how to monetize it. (sounds like a future post idea?)
My second tip is to start a blog about your Internet Marketing efforts ASAP. Blog about anything and everything related to your efforts. Your main focus shouldn’t be on this blog, but every week or so post on it about things you learn, tools you used, what you did, etc. Trust me, once you start making an income and you want to help beginners, you’re blog will already be built with traffic flowing to it. This is something I’ve always regretted.
My third and final tip of this post is to be realistic. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, well neither will your Internet Marketing empire. You won’t be making enough to quite your day job within the first couple days, weeks or even months, but I know that anyone who receives the proper training and applies their training well, can build a solid income on the Internet in a short time.
Just a few tips that I wish I had known when I started my Internet Marketing ventures.
Best of luck to you all!
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