About Sammy800
Joined September 2008
Just an ordinary guys with an ambition to buy his father a sport car. Anything than that, well, just say I'm going with the flow...
Hoping to make something everyday, and will work my ass off to achieve that!!!

Thanks for dropping by...: )
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Haxzard Premium
Apa aku nk tulis. Kau minat Gundam. Kau nk beli kereta Sport utk abah kau, Kau nk jadi kaya. Kau tunjuk separuh jer gambar kau.

Sekian terima kasih.. :)
sammy800 Premium
huahua...aku pun tak tau nak cakap apa...wei, ni gambar mamat Rizuwan dlm Area51 tu ye? Orait, aku nak gi kacau dia...
Gmaster Premium
Hi..jumpa disini erk..jgn lupe tampal pic sport card tu jadikan wallpaper :D
sammy800 Premium
hi gmaster...nice to see you here! Hoho, hope can learn something from you....
Zex_e1 Premium
ellp bro..
pekaba? camne niche bro?
dah bnyk sales ek? he..
Zex_e1 Premium
hehe..xpe..kite pon slow2 gak ni..
nak gak pki spyder..ekek..tggu siap website je..
keke..oklah bro..gud luck n wish my luck...hehe..
sammy800 Premium
sorry bro, tak perasan post ko kat space aku...well, first, welcome to WA, hope you can benefit well in here. Got a lot of good stuff in here if you know where to find it... : ) My niche is doing well, sales are coming everyday but there's a lot more to learn in my part. Anyway, enjoy your stay here, kay! Cya...
prodigyJJ Premium
Good luck with buying your dad that sports car. It is always good to have goals set for yourself.

P.S. Gundam is awesome!
sammy800 Premium
Heya! Thanks for dropping by at my space : )...well, I guess that gundam avatar does that, right?
I really love gundam, collect them since little.
Ghost Premium
hey! what's up Sammy? this is your boy Ghost sliding through, wanted to show you some love. Bro, I got no doubt that you WILL be successful in this game and will be able to buy your dad a lamborghini, so he can race you in yours :) Keep up the good work and NEVER give up!
Much success,
your friend
sammy800 Premium
thnx for sliding through my space Ghost...your story is inspirational...hope can learn lot from you...peace!