A Note To New Members

Last Update: March 16, 2010

It's my one week anniversary!!!!  As a new member myself I know that if you're also a new member there's a lot of questions going through your mind right  now.  I would like to share with you a little insight into one of the biggest unwritten lessons that I've learned so far.  When I started last week I went through the first three lessons pretty quickly.  After the third lesson during the five day waiting period to go on to the next lesson my first though was to possibly start a WA affiliate campaign and try to start making a little money.  Even though I still had some questions I thought, why not, what could it hurt.  Well, I have to admit that I'm glad I didn't follow through because I would have just been spinning my wheels with more to learn.  In the few days since taking lesson three I've had time to think about everything that I've learned.  The time to sleep on the information, do some research and ask questions has been invaluable.  Every hour that goes by another light pops on in my head.  What I've learned from this is to be patient and learn what I need to know.  The information is here so take the time to learn it and the profits will follow.  Just remember, it's one thing to learn the information but you have to put it into action when the time is right.  This may not be the right way to go for all of you but it's definitely worth some consideration.

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Peedsbornagain Premium
Yes Totally agree on taking action ... thats the best .. it doesnt matter if you make mistakes .. there s no such thing as failure , only learning lessons :))
mining Premium
I agree with you totally, we need to take time learning then implement later i.e profiting.
sherbet penny Premium
Nice post and true to the point, no point rushing, it will come.
martyn01202 Premium
Hi Sar3483, great post. My problem was that I kept waiting 'until the time was right' and never released my product or whatever I was involved in.

However, I too have rushed into things and wished I'd waited until I'd completed the learning curve. Now-a-days, I ensure that I can DO something first, then put it into action with confidence.

Experience can be a very powerful way of learning, of course.

Thanks for the blog.
Not2Late Premium
You are right on the money. It's easy to want to rush; very difficult take your time but totally worth waiting for those light bulbs :)

Good luck... and hang in there!