About Sbarry966
Joined July 2010
Hi my name is Susan and I am from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Yes, I love Alabama football, Roll Tide!!! I have 3 amazing children ranging in ages from 18 to 25. I like to describe myself as a southern, single mother with a God-given sense of humor. (He knew I was going to need one) I enjoy reading, (thank goodness, its all I'm going to be doing for the next several weeks) playing cards/games with my family, and going to the beach. I am a special needs teacher with over 20 years experience and intend to use this knowledge in changing my career path. I have selected the community of WA as my guide, and believe me, I am going to need alot of help, as this is all very new to me!!!! But I am willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, and I am looking forward to the journey!!!! Thank you for all the warm welcomes so far!!!!
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webkab Premium
There's tons of info at WA. You might get lost in it all but if you follow the training plan it will all come together for you. Best of luck.
webkab Premium
Start the training. While doing that go to potpiegirls blog and read and listen to some of the videos there. That will help.
sbarry966 Premium
Thanks for the welcome. The lost feeling seems to come and go depending on how fast I am reading!!!!! But I am hanging in there so far!!
sbarry966 Premium
Thanks so much, I am headed to the videos now!!!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
sbarry966 Premium
Thanks Louise, I just read about you and if you were not French and from Paris I would swear you were my oldest daughter. Your outlook on life sounds just like hers, I love it!!!! Thanks for the welcome!!
DABK Premium
Welcome to WA. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
sbarry966 Premium
Thanks, I'm sure I am going to have many many questions!!!!!!!
wildflower40 Premium
Hello and Welcome to WA!
sbarry966 Premium
Thanks for the welcome
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
sbarry966 Premium
Thanks for the welcome!!