Extreme Bowling, Wow!!!

Last Update: July 11, 2010

After much reading, research, and article wrtiting on Saturday, I decided to take a break last night by going Extreme Bowling with my son and his girlfriend from 10:00 to 1:00 am. My lord what was I thinking!!!!  Trust me I am a pretty young "50" and I love bowling, but I'm not quite young enough for all those flashing lights and the constant loud rap music!!! Don't get me wrong, "I Want To Be A Billionaire So Freakin Bad" but 3 hours was way too much for this momma. It did get a little better after I checked out the bar for a beer!!! Plus, I tied my son 2 games to 2 games, not a bad showing!!!! It was a fun time, life is good. Relaxing a little today, but still putting in a few hours of work!!!!! Will really buckle back down tomorrow!!!!!

Anyone do anything wild and crazy this weekend?????? I know extreme bowling doesnt seem wild and crazy, but me bowling for three hours and lasting after midnight was pretty crazy. Good music and dancing are usually the only things that keep me up that late!!!!!

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sbarry966 Premium
I think your idea sounds a bit more relaxing after all this learning however, and the soup sounds yummy!!!! Probably much healthier than the fries and beer I had!!! Only 1 glass I promise!!!!
jatdebeaune Premium
Well, nothing wild and crazy. I listened to Anna Moffo while making vegetable soup. It was relaxing. Extreme bowling sounds like fun.