Brain Explosion!!!!!

Last Update: July 08, 2010

I am so tired of reading, and I feel as though my brain is about to explode any minute. So I decided to write for awhile. My children will be so impressed that I  am actually writing my my very first blog entry ever!!!! In fact they are not going to believe me!!!  I have been brainstorming some good ideas on niches, articles, and blogs in my field of special education and some other fun areas having to do with being a southern single mom with a God-given sense of humor!!!!!  Now if I could just get all of this terminology straight in my head, I will be just fine!!!!! Here's to the journey and to meeting new friends!!!!!! Thanks for all the warm welcome messages so far!!!!!!!! 

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sbarry966 Premium
Thank you so much for being my first reader!!!! Now I am going to take your advice and get some much needed rest!!!! I will start fresh in the morning!!! Looking forward to what Friday's journey holds!!!!!!!
wildflower40 Premium
I sometimes feel this way. There is so much great info here! I will usually back away and take a break for a couple of hours or sometimes a few days. Great that you already have your 1st post.