Day # ?? Still at it ... Part 1

Last Update: April 19, 2010




Yes.... I am still at it..... Regardless of what is going on in life !!!!


There is so much information to read, understand; read again and study for more understanding.  My thinking was that it will be a good accelerated read and that i will have faster results.  Then one day, i just realized that i will have to keep at it in order to really understand it after reading the steps more then one time with the intention of FOLLOWING UP WITH ACTION after READING EACH STEP AGAIN. 


 I have read each step over and over and over again.  It must have been 3 to 4 times each step.  I have even printed out the step so when i am at break at work, i will just read over the paperwork and study it to a point where it is growing in my memory and wherever i go shopping, running or working, it is pops up in my mind.  (interesting how the mind works).




Funny or weird  isn't it....?   Well, Id rather be weird and funny for a short time in growing doing whatever it takes to become successful to one day reap the rewards of smart work and diligent efforts.  







To be continued….




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Louise M. Premium
Good mindset man!! :)
It's indeed vey important to take action and printing out the steps and training courses is a great intitiative! You're right, we often work and think better when we're not staring at the screen! As far as I'm concerned, I always have the best ideas when I'm about to fall asleep! lol :)

Wish you the best! :)