Day #3: Keep Training and Focused...

Last Update: March 31, 2010


Wow.  The more I continue STUDY what I read in the step by step training, the more is see how much easier it is and how hard I have been making it.


Its all good with the proper teaching and training with taking action can lead to success.  I have taken advantage of the WA Tasks & Goals List which is the 4th selection found under the MY WA Tab. 


I have been keeping up to date with the goals that are realistic and executable.  For now my first goal is to complete the Step By Step Training ( Old Version ) so that I will be ready to make a sale.  I will make 1 sale a week aiming at 30 to 40$ being the maximum & 5$ dollars being the minimum.  This may seem very small to many people but MY GOAL is to:


1.  Find a working formula

2.  Use it over and over again after getting use to it

3.  Aim at more Profitable Markets as I grow. 


I am excited to see great results after EXERCISING what I have READ and LEARNED and applying through PERSISTENT SMARTER WORK. 


Lets see where this is going.   


Did you know that:

This is my first and second link in my blog connected to another page.  I just did it automatically with no teaching manuals.    YEAH!!!!  :)  .




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davekid Premium
Hey this is a great blog. Your goal setting is perfect keep it simple and realistic. once you find out what is working then you can build on it from there. Working slow and using the tools available here in WA is worth every penny. I am working the same way. keeping it real and simple. Cheers for now and Chat soon. DK